If you've used our compatibility checker and found your device isn't compatible, you might be wondering why. Here's some insight.
While most phones from 2018 and up are typically compatible, there are exceptions. Even if your device supports 4G, it must also have 4G VOLTE (Voice over LTE) capabilities to work with US carriers. If your device lacks 4G VOLTE, you won't be able to use it with any US carriers.
Additionally, it's crucial to note the recent 3G sunset. The retirement of 3G networks means that phones with capabilities limited to 3G no longer function. AT&T began phasing out its 3G network in February 2022, while Verizon is completing its shutdown by December 31, 2022. T-Mobile finished shutting down Sprint's 3G CDMA network as of March 31, 2022, and Sprint's 4G LTE network as of June 30, 2022.
For more information on compatibility and how these changes may affect your device, feel free to reach out to our support team.